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The views, opinions, perspectives, thoughts or any synonymous representation of human intelligence on the published content in this website are solely vested with the team (we, us or our) at their own capacity of human or professional perception. There is a high degree of certainty in the uncertainty of our impressions in the published articles over a period of time alongside the growing knowledge in science & technology. This clearly denotes our unbiased approaches & commitment to bring the best information to our valued readers/customers in a true sense. Though we give our best to make things professional, we do not claim the information provided is completely accurate or reliable as there is a probability of human & machine error that needs to be factored in our appeal. The user/reader/customer owns the complete responsibility of risk/harm/undergoing an act /of nature or similar event resulting either to themselves or to others due to their voluntary or involuntary actions.By reading and/or utilising any information/details/news  at across time (past, present & or future) readers/you agree that to own and bear full responsibility of the risk / harm of any order, in any way whatsoever. Readers/you also agree that is not liable to any loss/damage/risk that you or any other who might incur.

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Our services are meant purely for the dissemination of appropriate cutting edge information on automobiles & lifestyle, and to enrich user/reader’s knowledge with unbiased content. 


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